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East County News Service

August 23, 2017 (Jamul) – The state Alcoholic Beverage Control Board will hold a hearing on whether or not to approve a permanent liquor license for the Hollywood Jamul-San Diego Casino.

The hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, September 6th at 10 a.m. at Skyline Church, 11330 Skyline Drive in La Mesa.

The proceeding will have a new judge, since a prior judge has recused himself, the Deerhorn Valley Antler reports.

Residents have voiced concerns over a rise in drivers under the influence since the casino open and an increase in the five-year average accident rate, though the total number of accidents in the first six months was down slightly over the same period the prior year. Recent accidents reportedly including two with workers who fell asleep driving home after night shifts.

Neighbors have also raised objections to some promised roadway improvements not yet completed. The tribe and Supervisor Jacob have faulted Caltrans for these delays, though Caltrans has indicated some landowners have not provided right-of-ways needed to complete the upgrades.

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