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Author Gus Lee interviews with Anat Tour, host of East County Magazine Show’s “Bookshelf” feature on KNSJ

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January 8, 2024 (San Diego’s East County) -- In an engaging conversation with esteemed American author and ethicist Gus Lee, Anat Tour, host of East County Magazine Radio Show’s “Bookshelf” on KNSJ Radio,  explores the depths of Lee's captivating novel, China Boy.  A best-selling author with many notable books, Lee's illustrious career includes serving his time at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and his role as West Point's Chair of Character Development, and acting Deputy Attorney General.

Asked what inspired him to write this story and what motivated him to present it as a work of autobiographical fiction, Lee responded, “I was not destined by conventional criteria to become a novelist or an author in English, my academic English being my third language. But our daughter, when she was seven, asked me about her missing grandmother, and that was my mother. And I had to admit to her that I couldn't tell her anything about my mommy, who had died when I was five, and I had grown up or struggled to survive... without a single memory or impression of who my mother was. When I was tucking our daughter to bed that night, she said, ‘How could you forget your mommy?’ And I realized I had no answer.”

China Boy takes readers on an emotional journey through the life of Kai Ting, the only American-born son of a Mandarin family that sought refuge in San Francisco during World War II. Growing up in the cultural crossroads of a San Francisco ghetto, Kai finds himself torn between the traditions of his Chinese heritage and the demands of assimilation into American society.

The narrative unfolds after the sudden death of Kai's mother, thrusting him into the harsh reality of the streets.. His new stepmother, a determined woman from Philadelphia, is set on erasing every trace of Chinese influence from their lives, even resorting to physical force. China Boy explores the struggles of identity and belonging as Kai grapples with the dissonance of not fully embracing either his Chinese roots or the American way of life.

The novel touches on universal themes of resilience and self-discovery as Kai confronts the challenges of being caught between two worlds, accepted in neither. His quest for peace amidst this turmoil leads him to encounter an array of characters – an enemy, a friend, and mentors who have weathered hazards far greater than his own.

China Boy stands out not only for its rich narrative and vivid portrayal of cultural clashes, but also for its profound exploration of the human spirit's capacity to endure, adapt, and find common ground amid adversity. The novel's impact is evident in its selection as San Francisco's inaugural one-city, one-book choice, a testament to its ability to resonate with diverse audiences.

As Anat Tour delves into the intricate layers of Gus Lee's storytelling, readers are sure to gain insights into the profound themes that make China Boy a compelling and thought-provoking exploration of identity, cultural heritage, and the pursuit of inner peace.

Tour states in her interview with Gus Lee, "Thank you for creating a work that transcends time."



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