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Biden opposes phase-out of gas stoves, but many cities are adopting bans

By Miriam Raftery

Photo: Gas stove, cc by SA-NC via Bing

January 12, 2023 (San Diego) – Debate over banning gas stoves is heating up.

Dozens of cities have banned some or all natural gas appliances in new construction, including the cities San Francisco, Seattle, New York, San Diego and Los Angeles. Conversely, at least 20 states have passed laws prohibiting cities from banning natural gas, CNN reports.

At the federal level, Richard Trumka Jr., a commissioner on the Consumer Product Safety Commission, told Bloomberg News that such a ban is possible nationally due to findings that gas stoves may account for 12.7% of childhood asthma in the U.S.  Natural gas is also a fossil fuel, so bans aim to shift the marketplace toward electricity from renewable energy sources in the future.

However, CPSC Chairman Alexander Hoeh-Saric, in response to Trumka’s statement, quickly assured consumers that no such federal ban is under consideration. “I am not looking to ban gas stoves and the CPSC has no proceeding to do so,” he posted on Twitter.

President Joe Biden has also weighed in against a ban.  A White House spokesperson told CNN today, “The President does not support banning gas stoves – and the Consumer Product Safety Commission, which is independent, is not banning gas stoves.”

Some chefs prefer natural gas over electricity to provide easier control of temperatures when cooking on a stove.  Around 40 million homes and 76 percent of restaurants in the U.S. currently utilize gas stoves or ranges.

Congressman Darrell Issa (R-Alpine) has introduced the Gas Act, which would block the Biden administration from banning gas stoves. Although the President has said he opposes such a ban and the CPSC Chair has said there is no plane pending to outlaw gas stoves, 22 Democratic Senators in December did send a letter asking the CPSD to take action to stop gas stove usage.

Issa calls such a proposed action “a preposterous overreach of federal power that would deny Americans a necessary product they use every day.”  His measure is cosponsored by 43 members of Congress.

California has enacted a law banning gas heaters in new construction after 2030, though the measure does not prohibit gas stoves. A growing number of cities have gone farther and outlawed gas stoves in new homes and restaurants, however, so your ability to fire up a gas stove in the future may depend on where you live – and whether you’re residing in an older home or a new residence.


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They want to liquify gas

and sell it to Europe at a high price now that Europe dropped Russia as a source of gas, especially hurting industry.

what a crock of crap

the electrical grid can not handle the load we currently have. they want gas cars banned and now they want no more gas appliances..WHERE ARE THEY GOING TO GET the ELECTRICITY?????