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June 28, 2023 (Lemon Grove)-- Danny Jeitler, a beloved Army veteran hailing from St. Louis, Missouri, passed away on June 1, 2023 in Lemon Grove, leaving behind cherished memories and a deep sense of loss among all who knew him. His life was marked by bravery, dedication, and a passion for his hobbies that brought joy to his heart.

Born in 1949, Danny embarked on a life journey that led him to serve his country with honor as a dedicated member of the United States Army. His military service exemplified his unwavering commitment, bravery, and love for his country.

In addition to his military service, Danny had a zest for life and pursued his hobbies with enthusiasm. He was an avid collector of comic books, immersing himself in the imaginative worlds of superheroes and finding joy in the artistry and storytelling within the pages. His collection was a testament to his love for these timeless characters.

Danny also found solace in the pursuit of hunting, where he appreciated the tranquility of nature and the challenge of tracking and capturing game. The great outdoors provided him with a sense of freedom and a connection to the natural world that he held dear.

Another one of Danny's passions was military history. He possessed a deep knowledge and fascination for the past, particularly the historical events and individuals who shaped the course of warfare. His interest in military history allowed him to gain a profound understanding of the sacrifices made by those who served before him.

As we say goodbye to Danny Jeitler, we celebrate the life he lived and the impact he made on those around him. Danny is survived by his loving children and their families. He will be remembered as a patriot, a dedicated collector, an avid hunter, and a lover of military history.


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