April 18, 2011 (San Diego's East County) -- While beach denizens are contending with coastal fog, the sun is shining out here in East County--where it's just another day in paradise this time of year.
We hope you'll enjoy our local photographers' images of springtime in East County!
Dennis Richardson and Chuck Palmer headed out on a back-packing trek along Pine Creek. Here's a photo of Dennis enjoying our sunny spring weather, taken by Chuck Palmer.
Sharon Courmousis photographed these yellow yucca blooms at Sacred Rocks Reserve in Boulevard.
Ken Cohen captured this scenic sunset from the backyard of his home in El Cajon.
Editor Miriam Raftery took this shot of wild lilacs after riding the rails at the Pacific Southwest Railway Museum in Campo--then stopped to bring home a bouquet. (This editing gig is a tough job, but someone's got to do it!)
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