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February 28, 2014 (Ocotillo) -- An Ocotillo resident has prepared a poignant video dramatically illustrating the scope of destruction done by Pattern Energy to build its Ocotillo Wind Energy Facility.  The video details the beauty of the desert with closeup images of birds and other wildlife amid the ocotillo forest mowed down on 12,500 acres of public lands, then shows the construction and finished results. The resident, who also performed the music heard in the video, left this on doorsteps to share the story of Ocotillo's transformation.  Several Ocotillo residents who viewed the entire video have told us they were moved to tears, reminded of what has been lost in the name of "green" energy.


Note: The bird killed was not at Ocotillo.

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Heartbreaking that this

Heartbreaking that this sublimely austere landscape was destroyed, and infuriating that it was done for nothing. At best, these massively destructive scorched-earth-style, heavily subsidized projects make a scant percentage of power, intermittently, at way above market value; at worst, they stand idle like this one at Ocotillo, grotesque monuments to cynical political vanity and Utopian green energy delusions.

bird deaths

For all that claim wind farms do not kill birds, please present this video. Sickening, especially when they are not killed instantly as this one was not.