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By Rania Notowidigdo 
April 27, 2024 (Santee) -- During the monthly Santee City Council Meeting on April 10th, Supervisor Joel Anderson stood alongside Santee Mayor John W. Minto, the San Diego Center for Economic Education at Cuyamaca College, and youth entrepreneurs to celebrate a local tutoring organization’s efforts in teaching financial literacy to families and children in Santee.  

Supervisor Anderson presented a $25,000 grant to Momentum Tutoring and the Santee Kiwanis Club through the County of San Diego’s Neighborhood Reinvestment Program. Additionally, he proclaimed April 17th as “Momentum Tutoring Family Financial Fun Day” in San Diego County's District 2, stressing the significance of financial literacy for families and youth in the community's development. He praised Momentum Tutoring for their efforts in making financial education accessible to all residents. 
"This is a significant stride towards enhancing financial education in our community," Supervisor Anderson emphasized, extending his gratitude to Mayor Minto and the City Council. He hopes that those who attended or watched the meeting left feeling motivated and empowered to take charge of their financial futures. With a dedicated observance on April 17th, 2024, to prioritize families' financial literacy, there is certainly a bright future ahead for financial education in Santee. 
Mayor Minto returned the appreciation, specifically acknowledging the CEO and Founder of Momentum Tutoring, Terri Bozhor, for her leadership in the Kiwanis effort to develop public education through Momentum Tutoring's programs. 
Anthony Zambelli, Director of the San Diego Center for Economic Education at Cuyamaca College, also addressed the audience, highlighting the importance of financial literacy. This marked Cuyamaca College’s first collaboration with Momentum Tutoring, presenting the organization with a Financial Literacy Hero Award in recognition of their efforts to equip families and children in Santee with vital financial skills. 
This proclamation of "Momentum Tutoring Family Financial Fun Day" highlights the significance of providing families and youth with the necessary tools for financial success. Additionally, if you ever face challenges or require guidance in County matters, please reach out to Supervisor Anderson's office. You can contact him through the official contact form at supervisorjoelanderson.com/contact or by calling directly at (619) 219-2470.    
Rania Notowidigdo is a Communications Assistant in the office of Supervisor Joel Anderson.

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Joel Anderson,

at $217,000 per annum, can make it to Santee but refuses to come to Jacumba. He's a fraidy cat that has okayed the installation of ugly solar panels adjoining the village.