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August 4, 2012 (San Diego’s East County) -- The East County Chamber of Commerce is hosting 11interactive community involvement sessions, a retreat and a Future Vision project with a diverse group of business owners, civic leaders and East County residents - public and private sector - all coming together to learn more about the challenges, economic engine-drivers, cultures and current hot topics in the East County region.
East County Leadership aims to identify and motivate current and emerging leaders committed to the betterment of East County. Participants learn more about how they can make a difference and have an impact in their communities through networking with others in the region, encourages active community involvement, and allows a forum to hone leadership skills.
Monthly sessions begin in August 2012 and graduation is June 2013. The cost is $800.00, ($100 of which must be paid by the student even if their company sponsors the rest). For more information, please call: (619) 440-6161 or visit:
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