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By Dawn Celapino


This week has been one of those eye-opening weeks for my family. We had one of our Leash Your Fitness family members die VERY unexpectedly in a freak accident and then my sister was in a car accident–all in the same day! It made me think–what would happen to my dog if I died?


There are so many questions to answer and we wanted you to think about this too, since NOBODY can say what is going to happen to us each day. You may think that your sibling or friend would take care of your dog--but do they know all about your dog? These are a few things that are important:


1. Exercise routine: you wouldn’t want to give a dog who is used to exercising a lot to a couch potato

2. Food intake and types of food that your dog tolerates and likes

3. Medicine: flea treatment, heartworm, or any special medications your dog is on

4. Vet, boarding and grooming information

5. Allergies, injuries and any special “quirks” your dog has. Example: likes to chase bunnies, doesn’t like men, etc…..

Many people have a trust made up for their pet(s) that include financing for future vet bills and “cost of living” expenses. This can be done through an attorney or there are services that you can pay for that are strictly for pets. One that I found is Its My Pets Life. I have everything written out and keep it with my other important documents in her safe. It includes financing for Jack, my Cairn terrier, and all of the “stuff” that will be destroyed if he don’t get the proper exercise.


I think it may take a “team” to take care of him. He isvery spoiled because he gets to go to Leash Your Fitness classes and be in the park while I am training every day.

So PLEASE TAKE ACTION! Don’t put this off another day. You do not want your beloved pet to end up at the pound. And don’t forget to leave extra money for treats!


Dawn Celapino is a personal trainer and group fitness instructor with over 15 years in fitness experience. She owns Leash Your Fitness, the only workout class in San Diego where your dog is your workout partner.

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