Share creative ideas to assist people of all ages with tips to save money and improve their lifestyle!
By Nancy and Dawn Clement
February 1, 2010 (San Diego’s East County) - Appliances cost a lot of money. They are notorious energy hogs and older models can really affect your monthly utility bill. Most people just suck it up, however, because of the high replacement costs. It does not have to be that way anymore. There are so many appliance rebate programs out there that one could easily miss a few when making a large purchase - for example, a new clothes washer. With a little research and organization, you can save a lot of money on your purchase. The trick is to "stack" rebates.
There are Federal, State and local rebate programs. Retail stores and manufacturers offer rebate programs as well. There are even utility rebate programs. By taking advantage of every rebate available, you can save a considerable amount of money.
Let us use an example to see how rebate stacking works: You find a clothes washer for $799. You place your order online and receive an immediate $80 discount, or you shop locally and ask the store to match the on-line discount. Then, there is a manufacturer rebate of $50. The Metropolitan Water District gives you $50 and the Water$mart Program gives you $100. State and Federal rebates total $150. The final cost of your brand new, energy-efficient washing machine is $369. Total Savings: $430
You can find a listing of Federal rebates at and , and state rebates at and
Utility companies are also offering many different kinds of rebates. For example, SDG&E will give you $50 just to replace your old refrigerator. In addition, they offer rebates ranging from $40 - $250 on qualifying dishwashers, refrigerators, room and central air conditioners, swimming pool pumps, and whole-house fans. Check their website for more information
The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California offers a $50 rebate for qualified clothes washers, and the SoCal Water$mart program for Southern California residential water customers offers an additional rebate. You can find more information on these programs at and
So if you are thinking of buying new appliances take the time to check out the rebates before you shop and double check to make sure the items you want to purchase qualify for rebates. It will save you a lot of money and help you create a cleaner, “greener” and more energy efficient home. By using rebates to shop for expensive items, you will save money now and in the future.
Nancy Clement is an east county Realtor®, mortgage broker and freelance writer and can be reached at 619-563-4184 or Dawn Clement is a stay-at-home mother of three, a freelance writer, and creative shopper.
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