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East County News Service
May 21, 2019 (La Mesa) -- The City of La Mesa’s diesel fleet now runs on renewable diesel, an environmentally sustainable, non-petroleum fuel sourced from food waste and agricultural products.  
The change to renewable diesel will reduce greenhouse emissions from the City’s diesel fleet by approximately 65%.

The City’s diesel powered fire, safety, and heavy duty equipment collectively use more than 22,000 gallons of fuel each year. As a “drop-in” fuel, the renewable diesel it requires no special preparation to city fuel tanks or vehicles and offers both maintenance and environmental benefits.
This initiative supports implementation of the City’s Climate Action Plan, which aims to reduce community-wide greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2035. The Plan was adopted by the La Mesa City Council in March 2018 and includes efforts to reduce emissions from the City’s fleet. 
La Mesa joins other cities in the region that have made the switch to renewable diesel, including Carlsbad, San Diego, and the County of San Diego.
For more information about the City’s Climate Action Plan, visit

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Food for fuel #2?

Todays news indicated a new trend with AG + Alcohol. Specifically the move to increase the fuel content of gasoline to 15% alcohol. I see this as tragic using our valuable and limited agricultural soil to grow fuel for profit vs farm produce. Concurrently, we have became a leader in oil production........

It depends.

Biofuels can come directly from crops such as corn but also from recycling waste such as used cooking oil, or composting say, brush cut for fire safety.

Food for fuel?

The questions: Is the ag business growing for profit and fuel with our limited lands? Are Agricultural products the 10% alcohol we see on the pumps extracted from field products such as corn? Is this BioDiesel really a greenhouse fuel or a trade-off that has damaging and long-term limiting consequences?