September 18, 2009 (San Diego)-- During an emergency every second counts, each tick of the clock can reduce survivability; each tick of the clock can allow a small fire to grow into an inferno, each tick can allow a criminal to do more harm. Under the technical restraints of current dispatch systems, getting critical information to First Responders can be delayed by the transfer and retransfer of data, or delayed by department borders. Now, in much of San Diego County the transfer of critical information will get a computerized supercharge.
In a new regional partnership, represented by the San Miguel Fire District, the City of San Diego Office of Homeland Security, the Regional CAD Interoperability Project and ThinkStream, a Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system enhancement will revolutionize emergency communication for participating agencies. This $2.9 million multi-jurisdictional system will help dissolve agency borders so responders can get to residents faster regardless of boundaries.
“This is a truly exciting time for San Diego County with the advent of our CAD to CAD connection project,” said August Ghio, Fire Chief of San Miguel Fire Protection District and President of the San Diego Fire Chiefs Association. “This is the next step in our overall challenge to improve our interoperability in our region. Keeping all the stakeholders informed and creating an effective communications between Thinkstream and all our communications centers will be key to our success. One of the many values of this project to the San Diego region will be a near seamless ability to back each other up should any of our dispatch centers go down without interrupting services to our citizens.”
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