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By Miriam Raftery

September 16, 2016 (La Mesa) - The La Mesa First United Methodist Church will host a public forum for Mesa City Council candidates and important ballot initiatives.  The forum will be held on September 28th, with a candidates’ meet and greet at 6:30 and the forum beginning at 7 p.m.

This November, three candidates are vying for two seats on the La Mesa City Council: incumbents Kristine Alessio and Ruth Sterling, plus challenger Colin Parent, an attorney and environmental advocate. All are expected to attend.

La Mesa voters will also be asked to weigh in on whether or not to legalize medical marijuana clinics in the city limits, as well as voting on a school bond measure, a regional transportation initiative and the largest number of statewide ballot initiatives ever.

The forum will include questions on affordable housing, homelessness, a climate action plan for La Mesa, and some of the initiatives.

The La Mesa United Methodist Church is La Mesa’s oldest church, now more than a century old, and has long been a fixture at providing forums for discussions of important issues impacting La Mesa.

The church is located at 4690 Palm Avenue, near the corner of Palm Avenue and La Mesa Boulevard.

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