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By Jessyka Heredia

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March 7, 2024 (La Mesa) – Dr. Mark Arapostathis, Mayor of La Mesa, gave a State of the City address in February that spoke of progress in processes at City Hall, growth in housing and business opportunities, as well as community engagement such as new park facilities and festive events all year round.

The city of La Mesa issued nearly 2,000 permits in 2023 and 800 projects were completed. La Mesa is taking steps to improve its permitting process at City Hall to make the process more efficient and easier to navigate.

“Business construction has officially started at 8181 Allison Avenue, a 100% affordable housing project with 147 units,”  Mayor Arapostathis said. “This development will provide much needed affordable housing to our region and will accommodate moderate and low-income households.”

La Mesa also saw 48 housing units successfully complete final inspection in 2023 thanks to the city’s bonus density program, which gives developers incentives to include affordable housing, the Mayor noted. Additionally, there are “five ongoing construction projects that are set to contribute a combined total 271 units to La Mesa.”

Arapostathis spoke about improvements to La Mesa’s infrastructure, such as, 540,000 square feet of streets resurfaced and 100 streets planned for improvements in the early part of the year.

La Mesa has added several traffic safety improvements including 12 intersections citywide. Using the Vision Zero plan “is a strategy to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries, while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all,” the Mayor said.

Renovations started in 2023 at Collier Park, which is the oldest park in La Mesa. “Improvements include a new playground, tennis and pickleball courts picnic areas and increased safety features”  the Mayor noted.

La Mesita Park got a brand-new fitness plaza and the city completed the masterplan for Waite Park. The future 2.84-acre park will bring much needed park space to the area and will include features such as a playground, dog run, open lawn space, a fitness zone and more.

The La Mesa Police Department “continues to advance its efforts to foster community outreach, build strong partnerships and enhance community engagement,” Arapostathis said. “Some of the events the police participated in include La Mesa Safety Fair, Juneteenth Foundation Jubilee and the Citizens Academy.”

The La Mesa Police Department (LMPD) “proudly continues to promote women in law enforcement with 22% of the force consisting of female officers--a 25 increase from the previous year,” the Mayor added.

The LMPD also secured a $115,00 grant from the Office of Traffic Safety in order to support ongoing enforcement and education programs to reduce the number of serious injuries and deaths.

The Homeless Outreach and Mobile Engagement Program (HOME) has housed 42 people in La Mesa in 2023 and 1,657 calls for service that would traditionally be responded to by law enforcement. This program frees up Law Enforcement while giving the unhoused better access to the programs that can help their needs.

This year the HOME team began “providing housing navigation, assisting individuals to identify suitable units to pay for application fees, abdicate to landlords, and provide financial assistance to cover move in costs related to the rental unit,” said the Mayor.

HOME is now partnering with a non-profit organization called Second Chance, which provides job readiness training, to those that struggle with connecting to employment due to being homeless or criminal record.

In 2023 Bent Koch was assigned as fire chief for Heartland Fire and Rescue. “Koch brings extensive firefighting experience to his role, and we take pride in having him serve in this capacity”, said Arapostathis.

In 2023 firefighters and paramedics responded to 742 emergencies and provided mutual aid for six fires.

The La Mesa Climate Action Plan Team organized several events including a household hazardous waste collection, climate action workshops and litter-free cleanups.

This year the City of La Mesa is planning to update its Climate Action Plan “to make sure it continues to address our environmental goals.”

La Mesa added better ways to communicate with residents by adding a bi-weekly newsletter from the city manager as well as a series called the Mayor’s Minute Video Series that gives residents a quick update on community relevant subjects.

12 businesses in La Mesa were granted a combined total of $500,000 from the city’s Façade Grant Program that the city funded through federal stimulus funds “to encourage properties and business owners to renovate their appearance of the commercial areas,” according to the Mayor.

La Mesa entrepreneurs were also granted, through the Entrepreneurship Accelerator Program, educational programs to learn about financial planning, marketing and operations. Those who completed the program and opened a business in La Mesa received up to $20,000 in grants.

La Mesa opened a time capsule from 1992 that ”revealed insights into the community’s history and aspirations of the past generation.” A new time capsule was also installed capturing the 2020’s and envisioning the world of the 2050’s.

Several successful events occurred in La Mesa in 2023, including the Flag Day parade, summer concerts, movies in the park, La Mesa Rocks fundraiser, farmers market and the iconic La Mesa Octoberfest, which celebrated 50 years.




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