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By Miriam Raftery

July 2, 2020 (La Mesa) – Now you can once again purchase farm-fresh produce directly from local farmers. The La Mesa Certified Farmer’s Market has reopened for in-person visitors on Fridays from 3 to 7 p.m. The market is  located along La  Mesa Blvd. between Palm Ave. and 4th Street, but with some changes due to COVID-19.

The farmer’s market was briefly closed, then opened for pre-ordered curbside delivery only. Now the market is back open to the public, but with the following rules, provided by the La Mesa Village Association:

1. If you are sick, please do not attend the market (with any cold/fever/aches/cough/sinus infection/etc, etc)

2. Must wear a mask covering your nose and mouth at all times while in the market.

3. Please only enter and exit at the designated gates (sidewalks will be open for easy access to shops/ restaurants as well as entry points to the market, which are - the walk of stars walkway (the small alley access between the building to the back parking lot on Allison), AND on 3rd Street. All other areas will be roped off.

4. Limit your group (family, friends, etc) to only one person per household, if possible. We realize it may be impossible for some family units with, for example a single parent who must bring the kids.

5. Keep six feet away from everyone (except those you came with).

6. No gatherings within the market. (this one is tough, to see your all your neighbors, but can't chat it up for 30 mins).... Sorry!

7. Limited capacity, means you may have to wait outside the market to get in.

8. Point and buy is the method of shopping. Vendors will gladly assist you by picking out the items you want and placing them in your bag.

9. Shop and exit. Please don't linger. We wish this wasn't the case, but people may be waiting to get in.

10. Be kind, patient, appreciative and helpful.

If you should have any questions, please contact Brian Beevers, La Mesa Farmers’ Market Manager at

VENDORS: Interested in becoming a vendor? The La Mesa Certified Farmers Market is operated & managed by Brian's Farmers' Markets. Visit the website for information about becoming a vendor at For general Farmers Market inquiries, email

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