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East County News Service

July 25, 2015 (San Diego)--After discussion in the most recent Neighborhood Market Association (NMA) board meeting, a shift in the organization’s official position on minimum wage has been indicated. No longer will the NMA board support an exemption for small business.

After frank discussion between NMA president Mark Arabo and the board, the NMA has shifted its standing on minimum wage. This comes on the heels of lengthy issue-based discussion on the subject of minimum wage.

A release issued by the NMA indicated that Arabo led efforts to make the change.

 “The American worker deserves more than the minimum,” Arabo states. “Today, I am happy to say that after a year of discussion with various NMA board members we have secured a lasting position in regards to the minimum wage. We are happy to stand with labor, and with various other institutions in calling for a raised wage for San Diego workers.”

He adds, “Oftentimes the merit of one’s decision is based on the willingness to evolve, not to remain stagnant. I stand wholeheartedly with the position taken by our board, and I applaud the small business community of San Diego for uniting behind this decision to better the lives of millions throughout the county.”


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