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Source:  Caltrans

May 1, 2022 (San Diego's East County) - A mile-long section of State Route 67 (SR-67) from Poway Road to Mina De Oro Road will be reduced to one lane Sunday through Wednesday nights at 9 until 5 the following morning, according to Caltrans.  

Highway personnel will direct traffic onto the open lane, one direction at a time for one-way traffic control. All lanes will be open to traffic at 5 a.m.


The lane closures are part of the Southbound SR-67 Sliver Widening Project to widen the right shoulder for use in emergency evacuation. The work includes roadway excavation, culvert/drainage modifications, paving and then final striping and marking operations.


Construction work with one-way traffic control will continue in the project area Sunday through Thursday from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. through May. Signs will be posted ahead of the lane closure to alert drivers. 


The work is scheduled at night during low traffic volumes to minimize traffic impacts, increase worker safety and for the safety of the traveling public. 


Caltrans thanks the community for their patience during the roadwork. Motorists are reminded to Be Work Zone Alert and to watch for highway workers and moving construction equipment. 


The construction schedule is subject to change based on weather, traffic incidents or other construction related issues.


For real-time traffic information including traffic speed, lane, and road closures due to construction and maintenance activities and more, go to


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