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January 28, 2013 (Ocotillo) - A reader on our Facebook page posted that when she drove east over the Mountains into Ocotillo recently at night, she was startled to see an array of blinking lights that resembled an "alien invasion."

Ocotillo resident Jim Pelley sent us this photo of the "invaders" -- nearly 100 wind turbines flashing red blinking lights all night long.  The developer, Pattern Energy, promised officials and community members before the project was built that lights would only come on if an aircraft was approaching.  But as this photo indicates, the reality for Ocotillo residents is far different. Three similar projects are proposed near homes in rural East County and beside campgrounds in McCain Valley, a federal recreation area.

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Great Description!

They are alien to the natural environment and they are invading!   Promises are only as good as the source of the promise.   If there's no integrity, they're worthless.