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January 30, 2014 (Boulevard) -- Is a "green" energy project really green if it destroys these beautiful scenes?  Soitec wants to industrialize our backcountry with over 8,000 solar panels, each 30 feet high, scraping the earth bare and destroying sensitive wetlands and wildlife habitat. Thanks to Teresa DeGroot for documenting what will be destroyed unless Supervisors vote down this project, one of several industrial-scale energy projects proposed as part of the "energy zone" that elected officials seek to create in East County's rural and wilderness areas.  Area residents want to see green energy projects located in urban areas where power is used--not in pristine areas such as these that are located along state designated scenic highways. Click "read more" to view more photos.














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Thanks, Teresa! :)

Thanks for sharing your photos of the beauty of the back country.   I am looking forward to seeing all the colorful spring wildflowers blooming and covering the hillsides like the ones in your photos. 

The lifeblood of the back country is being sucked out by large corporations touting "green", large-scale industrial energy projects leaving in its wake destruction of once pristine beauty.   Soooo sad!

I think this project will destroy open countryside that will be visible by those of us who come out from the city to enjoy hiking the PCT, among other public places, specifically set aside to enjoy the Great Outdoors.