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East County News Service
Image Courtesy: Immigrant Magazine
July 29, 2024 (Sacramento) -- State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond will hold a press conference on Tuesday, July 30 in Sacramento to launch a statewide effort to accelerate housing development by utilizing the significant amount of developable land owned by California’s local education agencies (LEAs).

Combined, California LEAs own 75,000 acres of developable land, providing the potential to create an estimated 2.3 million new housing units throughout the state. According to recent data from the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA), the housing gap in California could be addressed by creating 2.5 million new homes over the next eight-year development cycle.
“California’s housing crisis is undeniable, but it is not unsolvable,” Superintendent Thurmond said. “We know that families across our state are impacted, from the homelessness crisis facing our urban areas, to the long commute times impacting families priced out of once-affordable neighborhoods, to the staffing crisis in schools whose educators can’t afford to live where they work. I believe that California has enough resources and ingenuity to solve this, and the data shows that California’s schools have the land to make this happen. As school leaders, we can get this done for our communities and restore the California Dream.”
At Tuesday’s press conference, Superintendent Thurmond will convene local and state leaders with a track record of building successful housing efforts on land owned by California’s school districts. 
Following Tuesday’s press conference, Superintendent Thurmond will convene a panel of housing experts at a Housing Summit on August 14 to identify policy recommendations that can accelerate housing development throughout the state. For information about the Housing Summit, please reach out to Jenna Anderson at

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The housing crisis will not be helped by building more expensive apartments. Build housing that people can buy to build generational wealth, not generational dependence.