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East County News Service

September 6, 2024 (El Cajon) --Investigators from the El Cajon Police Department conducted a retail theft operation in collaboration with the Home Depot in El Cajon to combat the ongoing theft issues facing our local businesses. Investigators worked closely with store staff to surveil and arrest thieves in real-time without a delayed response.

“This one-day operation netted five arrests and led to the recovery of stolen merchandise from the store,” says Sergeant Kevin Reilly.

Darrius Moore, 44, and Adrian Varona, 20, both transient, had theft-related warrants and were booked into jail, while the others were released with citations.


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Stolen Property

I often see homeless people with expensive baby jogger strollers, folding wagons, multiple bicycles, and a general collection of various items. I wonder how big the theft problem is amongst them? I'm sure some items are donated - like tents, sleeping bags, blankets, clothing, etc. Yet probably not everything they have collected. I've spoken with a few over the years, and the general attitude of some appears to be that they usually don't have a desire to get off the streets and get a job because they get many things free. EBT, clothing, and so on. I often see them smoking cigarettes, and sometimes appear to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. A few probably need mental health treatment. I've personally witnessed homeless people load up backpacks with food at the grocery store, and leave without paying for it. No one attempts to stop them. We, the consumer pay for this so called "shrinkage" at the checkout in higher priced goods. Apparently some of them have embraced the life of freedom.