Julian Arts & Crafts Fair



By Cathy Ozbun, Julian Fire Plugs

May 2, 2015 (Julian) - On Saturday, May 23th, the Julian Fire Plugs will be hosting the Julian Arts & Crafts Fair. The fair will be held in the Rabobank parking lot at 2033 Main Street in Julian, from 10:00 am until  4:00 pm and will showcase work by many local artists, crafters and artisans from Julian and other nearby communities.

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By Cathy Ozbun, Julian Fire Plugs

Vendors can sign up now for May's Arts & Crafts Fair in Julian

March 10, 2015 (Julian) - The Julian Arts & Crafts Fair, a local marketing event for artists, artisans and crafters from the Julian area, will be held on Saturday, May 23rd. This event is being sponsored by the Julian Cuyamaca Fire Protection District (JCFPD), and coordinated by the Julian Fire Plugs, a non-profit organization of community volunteers working to support the JCFPD.

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Support community news in the public interest! As nonprofit news, we rely on donations from the public to fund our reporting -- not special interests. Please donate to sustain East County Magazine's local reporting and/or wildfire alerts at https://www.eastcountymedia.org/donate to help us keep people safe and informed across our region.