May 19, 2010 (El Cajon)—After advancing through two phases of competition, the Mount Miguel High School JROTC leadership team will participate in the final Championship round of the 2010 Army JROTC Leadership Symposium in Washington, D.C. at George Mason University, June 25-29, 2010. This event is sponsored by the Army JROTC and conducted by College Options Foundation.
The Mount Miguel High School JROTC team competed in two rounds of competitive online play against thousands of JROTC students from across the world to win a place in the championship and the trip to DC.
In these rounds, students were tested on standard HS curriculum: math, science, English, and leadership skills. The team is one of only 48 in the nation to advance to the finals. Team participants include instructor/advisor 1SG Brian Bennett, Student Coach Marco Timog, team members Ella and Geraldine Cabreros, Adam Cruz, and Cameron Martin,
GUHSD Governing Board Member Priscilla Schreiber noted, “This Board proudly supports our JROTC and its distinguished legacy to the District.” She added, “We are honored by the many awards and recognitions they have received, for they are an indication that others see what we see in our JROTC students and staff.”
The JROTC Leadership and Academic Bowl is a nationally recognized academic competition created exclusively for JROTC students. By participating, cadets learn the values of citizenship, academic competition, and college opportunity. The competition created tremendous opportunities for JROTC and its cadets by demonstrating the leadership and academic abilities of JROTC students.
The College Options Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to enriching the academic development of high school students and assisting them in their preparation for higher education. Using academic competitions, college exam study guides, college admissions tutorials and personalized counseling, College Options Foundation has assisted the nation’s 1.1 million JROTC cadets worldwide.
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