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By Kathy Carpenter


January 19, 2023 (La Mesa) - After tragedy, life needs to be rebuilt. Lamplighters Theatre presents The Revlon Girl, written by Neil Anthony Docking. With so many tragic events hitting the news these days, it's hard to recall the details from month to month. Disasters need to be remembered and documented. The Revelon Girl humanizes Aberfan in England in 1966, delivering the stories and healing process of four women who lost their children and the woman who volunteers to help them.

In 1966, 144 people were killed--116 of them children--when a coal tip, the pile of waste left over from mining, approximately 111 feet high slid down into the small village and into the school.  This story is based on the mothers who came together weekly to talk, cry, and even laugh, to heal. One night they invited a Revlon girl to give them beauty tips to make them beautiful again so they might return to a normal life. In order not to be scrutinized, the meeting was held in secret. Revlon Girl is a heartfelt story of compassion and understanding. Laugh or cry, you will feel.


The director is Teri Brown. She brought five talented women together who poured out their souls. My favorite was Alyssa Anne Austin who played Rona, the fiery one with a foul mouth. Rona wants everyone to remember and be held accountable. Dani Gunn played Sian, bright, hopeful and helpful, ready to move on with her life. Emily Candia played Marilyn, who feels guilty. She felt  signs were given and the whole thing could have been avoided. Andrea Acuna played Jean, the remaining mom. Quite pregnant, she is basically ignoring the child she is carrying. This child would never replace the one she lost. Lastly, we have Heather Warren playing the Revlon girl. Uncomfortable in this situation, she volunteered to bring these women comfort due to a loss of her own. Diverse personalities bring an adverse situation to life. Strong, powerful acting sealhistory in our minds.


An exhibit from Ukrainian Artist Vira Ustiankska is displayed in the lobby. All work is for sale. Ustianska and her nine-year-old daughter left their country for the safety of the United States while her husband remained to defend the country. She hopes to support herself with her artwork while she is here.


The Revlon Girl is for those who like history and want to know more about Aberfan, for those who like to study people and those who need to laugh or cry.


The Revlon Girl

Lamplighters Community Theatre 

January 13 - February 5, 2023

La Mesa


Coming Next 

One Flew Over The Cukoo’s Nest March 3 - 26, 2023

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