April 26, 2012 -- (San Diego’s East County) – ECM World Watch helps you be an informed citizen about important issues globally and nationally. As part of our commitment to reflecting all voices and views, we include links to a wide variety of news sources representing a broad spectrum of political, religious, and social views. Top world and U.S. headlines include:
- Feds make first arrest in BP Gulf Coast oil spill (CBS)
- Justices to hear appeal over controversial Arizona immigration law (CNN)
- Obama takes on college costs, eyes young voters (Bloomberg)
- Radioactive particles from Japan detected in California kelp (Los Angeles Times)
- Romney sweeps five northeast primaries (USA Today)
- Mitt Romney: Mothers should be required to work outside home or lose benefits (HuffingtonPost)
- Stirring Mexico volcano closes schools, raises alert (Reuters)
- Afghan girls in school after poison attack (BBC)
- Japan fears nuclear plant sits atop active geological fault (Reuters)
- Hollande and Sarkozy head for runoff in French election (NY Times)
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