shopping malls


By Marie Myung-Ok Lee
Reviewed by Jonathan Goetz
Updated: Friday the 13th
July 23, 2024 (Kansas) -- The Evening Hero is good, clean, and relevant humor by Marie Myung-Ok Lee. Her Simon and Schuster book touches on topics from the point of view of an immigrant family, from rural American hospital closures and venture capital, to family separation, cultural assimilation, marriage ups and downs and different expectations placed upon children based on culture and even between generations within a single family. The American hospital chain Dr. Youngman Kwak works for buys up a bunch of rural hospitals and lays off Doctors eventually closing them all to corral the medical doctors into strip malls performing more profitable elective surgery than general practice.
I enjoyed the first two sections of the book and hope we'll read the next sections together! I thoroughly enjoy The Evening Hero's mix of humor, cultural relevance, history and modern critique of American culture, subculture and universal themes. I'm delighted that Marie Myung-Ok Lee thought I might enjoy it and mailed a complimentary copy to me because it's just such a humorous tapestry of several juicy topics.

Please republish! Reviewer with comments seeking Nobel Peace Prize nomination. First appeared in East County Magazine Bookshelf.


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VIEJAS BOWL continues Viejas Outlet Center’s transformation into “lifestyle center”

August 27, 2009 (Alpine) – Viejas announced plans today for a new, boutique bowling center, to be called Viejas Bowl, at the Viejas Outlet Center, across from the award winning Viejas Casino.

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