

By Jack Haworth

May 6, 2015 (San Diego) -- For the first time in more than 40 years, the SDSU Debate Team has placed as a team in the National Forensics Association Tournament. The team of Vincent Bellinghiere, Cody Meza, and Darron DeVillez, represented Aztec Forensics at the NFA tournament at Ohio University and placed 8th in Division III, competing in literature interpretation and platform speeches.

“Hundreds of universities across the nation compete in intercollegiate individual events, and only a select number qualify to compete at the national tournament,” said Bill Snavely, director of the School of Communication. “This is a great accomplishment for only three competitors against much more well-funded programs from across the country.”

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Fun learning opportunities abound at Cuyamaca College

May 13, 2012 (El Cajon) -- As Summer vacation approaches, College for Kids at Cuyamaca College provides the perfect combination of fun and learning for elementary and middle-schoolers, with a wide assortment of low-cost classes and activities.The program offered through the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District’s Continuing Education program is available for youths, ages 7 to14. Registration just opened, and classes are offered from mid-July to mid-August at Cuyamaca College. 

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