East County News Service
July 5, 2019 (Washington D.C.) – During a Fourth of July Salute to America in Washington D.C. yesterday featuring fireworks, tanks and a flyover by military planes, President Donald Trump made a statement filled with historical gaffes, prompting wits to take to Twitter in response.
While speaking of the Revolutionary War in 1775 that resulted in American independence from Britain, Trump stated, “The Continental Army suffered a bitter winter in Valley Forge, found glory across the waters of the Delaware and seized victory from Cornwallis of Yorktown. Our army manned the airports, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rockets’ red glare, it had nothing but victory.” View video.
The first reported airplane flight wasn’t until 1903 with the Wright Brothers, long after both the Revolutionary War and the later War of 1812 at which Fort McHenry was bombarded by British ships, not America’s army.
The White House has blamed a teleprompter that failed for the President’s ad libbed inaccuracies.
Wits promptly took to Twitter with the hashtags #RevolutionaryWarAirports and #RevolutionaryWarAirportStories.
Here are a few humorous highlights:
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